WEATHER; hot and humid to start then cooler and fresh in the mountains at Nuwara Eliya.
Our pre-breakfast hour-long birding session was just as enjoyable as the previous two even though we saw fewer new species, it was just great to be out in the morning sun with a lovely temperature and exquisite light. We gathered as usual in the car park and scanned the trees all around us. Large Kaypoc Trees dominated the skyline with Papaya, eucalyptus and Jap fruit. Birds where all over the place, ranging from the forages on the ground to species sitting in the sunshine out on the extreme top of the trees.
One new bird we saw was the Asian Brown Flycatcher but we also good views of many other species, the most natable were: Hanging Parrot, Alexandrine Parakeet, Sri Lankan Green Pigeon, Orange Minivet and a brief watch from the terrace which overlooks the river we saw the Stork-billed Kingfisher and the White-throated KIngfisher.
the Asian Brown Flycatcher - taken by Phil Naylor
After breakfast we loaded up the bus and set off for Nuwara Eliya, it is only a 75km drive but we knew it would take all morning because the slow winding roads and the frequent stops for birding. We saw Brown Shrikes, Chestnut-headed Bee-eaters.
upcountry view of the tea plantations
It was raptors that stopped the bus several times we had a great time watching buzzards and eagles. We saw an Oriental Buzzard perched, a Mountain Hawk Eagle rising the thermals at one stop. Later on we stopped to watch White-bellied Sea-Eagle and Mountain Hawk Eagle. A stop at some waterfalls we found a Changeable Hawk Eagle sitting in a eucalyptus tree.
Black Eagle taken at the Castle Tea Plantation by Phil Naylor
a Sri Lankan White-eye by Phil Naylor
As we were driving through the most scenic landscapes of the trip so far it would have be rude not to stop and admire it. We were passing mountain-sides covered in tea-plantations, so we pulled into one of them to sample a cup of tea. Whilst there we watched a few birds. A party of three Black Eagles circled right above us as we watched Sri Lankan White-eye, Scaly-breasted Munia, Great Tit, Purple and Purple-rumped Sunbirds and some House Sparrows.
Loton's Sunbird taken in Victoria Park
One stop was made so we could to look at a colony of roosting Flying Foxes, which was interesting, we also saw Grey Wagtail on the river below us.
Flying Fox
We arrived at our new hotel at lunchtime, we ate lunch there, then we had an hour or so to rest up before we made an afternoon excursion. Birds around the hotel included a pair of Hill Swallows which were nesting in a covered area below us. we also watched a pair of Ashy Prinias, Tailorbirds, Scaly-breasted Munias, an Indian Pond Heron, a White-breasted Waterhen and a couple of Eastern Cattle Egrets.
Tea-picker at Castle Tea Plantation
At 3pm we left for the short drive to Victoria Park in the centre of town, we had a magical time there and saw all of our target species! The well manicured park has some semi-wild places along the river where a good selection of birds could be found. We spent 2 1/2 hours looking for them and during that time we targeted Kashmir Flycatcher, Indian Robin, Forest Wagtail, Yellow-eared Bulbul and the Pied Ground Thrush.
Indian Robin taken at Victoria Park by Phil Naylor
Things were going well, we saw everything except the Pied Thrush, so Dammi our guide took us to a tree where the thrushes roost. It was now approaching 5:30pm and the light was fading. But, sure enough, not one but three or four Pied Thrushes flew into the dense foliage of the tree, luckily for us one of them stayed in a viewable position and the whole group got to see it well.
Phil Naylor's shot of the Yellow-eared Bulbul
Kashmir Flycatcher, a beautiful male taken by Phil Naylor
However, it was the Kashmir Flycatcher which got the vote of best bird of the day, we saw two of them and they were both colourful males. The Yellow-eared Bulbul came a close second and the poor old (normally elusive) Pied Thrush came in third place!!
three pics of the Pied Thrush
We left just before 6pm and arrrived at our hotel 5 minutes later, there was a power cut until 6:40pm but all was well by the time we went down for dinner at 7pm.