ALL of our tours are recorded on a daily blog which can be found on this website by clicking the 'blog' button on the top menu, the blog is then converted to a comprehensive trip report and archived here. We give a commentary on daily outings with a record of all bird sightings together with all sightings of mammals, reptiles, amphibeans, butterflies and other interesting insects. Whilst reading the trip reports you soon become aware that our tours are guided bird watching Holidays they are relaxed, competitively priced, well organised and very enjoyable.
We don't miss much! and yet we don't dash around trying to see every bird on the planet! We cater for beginners, we teach not preach and we make your holiday a memorable one for all the right reasons. We have many years of experience and we can provide references and testamonials from happy clients worldwide. Enjoy reading our reports and if you have further questions regarding a particular tour please contact us using the contact-page.
A fantastic trip covering a large range of habitats along Australia's beautiful East Coast. We ventured into Tropical Rain-Forest, dry 'Tablelands' and Mangrove Swamps in North Queensland. Temperate forest dominates the hinte...
View ReportA somewhat wet and windy start to the tour developed into a sunshiny affair with a high count of species recorded. Bulgaria proved once again that its varied and interesting landscapes house a tremendous biodiversity of wildlife, es...
View ReportLed by Iordan Hristov, AKA 'Dancho', a fantastic local bird guide who knows his country inside out, this small group acheived a great deal . Over 200 species were recorded including some great Bulgaria rare visitors as...
View ReportAnother superb trip to this beautiful country with some very exciting finds including a an invasion of Rose-coloured Starlings unprecendented in recent times. For the second year running the Wingspan Bird Tour of Bulgaria was guided sole...
View ReportBULGARIA has to be one the top European Birding Countries, where else in Europe can you see over 200 species in an 8-day tour. We travelled through dramatic mountains, lush forests, verdant open countryside, coastline and beautiful sceni...
View ReportBulgaria is a beautiful, verdant country, with picturesque landscapes, a great variety of habitats with vast, untouched areas providing a haven for wildlife. This tour took in both the eastern and western Rhodope Mountains travellin...
View ReportThis, the second of two back-to-back tours, produced a similar diverse range of species as the first tour, with the addition of large numbers of Rosy Starlings, however there were fewer sightings of passing migrants as it was getting a l...
View ReportAnother great WINGSPAN trip with some memorable sightings, we visited some truly amazing places and enjoyed the beautiful scenery of this unique Balkan State, the birding in Bulgaria is truly amazing with diverse habitats supportin...
View ReportThis was the second of two back-to-back tours of Bulgaria with a much smaller group than the first trip. We had a wide range of weather conditions, changing from bright sunny days, to windy cloudy days and we had a day with tremendous ...
View Report14 members of the Cheltenham Bird Club joined me on this inaugural WINGSPAN tour of Bulgaria. We had a great time touring the country, visiting many regions and seeing a variety of habitats, ranging from mountains to salt pans and from...
View ReportEight intrepid Wingspanners made this a great tour, we visited parts of the Eastern, Western and Central Andes of Colombia. Logging over 420 species including over 50 species of Hummingbirds, 15 Wrens, 10 Woodpeckers and dozens of Tanage...
View ReportThis was one of our most successful Tours of Costa Rica! We recorded more birds than any previous visit although the butterfly list and mammals tally were less than on other tours. We had a very enthusiastic group with some very goo...
View ReportThis was another fantastic trip to one of the best birding countreis in the world. It is beautiful and bountiful, fantastic scenery, lovely people and amazing wildlife. We saw 470 species of birds, over 20 mammals, countless butterflies,...
View ReportWe had 15 glorious days of fun, laughter and, of course, some excellent birding. The weather was very kind to us as we had no rain, only very light showers and one late afternoon downpour. There are a whole string of highlights that I co...
View ReportThis was an incredible journey through some of the world most diverse habitats with, at times. breath-taking scenery. It seems unbelieveble that so many species can be packed into such a small country as Costa Rica. Wildlife flo...
View ReportThis was the sixth exciting WINGSPAN TOUR of Costa Rica and although we did not top the species total of last year’s impressive list of 465 we had a great time trying. A lovely group of people made this trip something special for m...
View ReportCOSTA RICA has to be the best birding hot-spot on the planet! It is beautiful, the people are so friendly, it has a fantastic 'green' politcal ethos and the number of species is phenomenal. During 2015 Costa Rica was self-suffici...
View ReportOur best ever trip to this magical birding hotspot. We record more species than ever before, we had lovely weather, a great enthusiastic group and some smashing on
View ReportOur group of nine ‘wingspanners’ enjoyed a superb, relaxed holiday in one of the world’s best birding locations. Costa Rica is truly a hot-spot for wildlife, where-ever we went there were new sights and sounds to...
View ReportThis was a recce trip in preparation for future group tours. We intended to visit as many of the lodges that we could fit in and map out an exciting route so that we could provide an interesting and exciting tour for years to come. We...
View ReportThis was a triumphant return to the Gambia for WINGSPAN BIRD TOURS after an absence of two years. We had a marvellous group made up of four Americans and four British participants, all equally enthusiastic and anxious to find as many spe...
View ReportAnother exciting tour of this fantastic African West Coast country, the birds are simply stunning and in such high numbers you cannot fail to amass a superb list. Everywhere is easy to get to and not far away, the upriver section holds a...
View ReportAnother exciting tour of this tiny West African Country, but its lack of size is more than compensated for by its huge biodiversity. There are few countries in the world where you can rack up a list of 200 species in just a few days...
View ReportThis was the second tour this year, following an earlier 12 day excursion on November 5 - I6 with a group of photographers. The weather was unusually hot and at times very humid but we soldiered on and amassed an impressive list of 287...
View ReportWhat a wonderful place The Gambia is, a perfect introduction to African birding, birds are everywhere! To prove my point, I am sitting outside my apartment, in the grounds of the Senegambia hotel, as I write this introduction, I c...
View ReportFollowing a good flight from London we arrived on time at Banjul, the warm tropical air felt welcoming and inviting as the group descended the steps from the plane. After a long wait for luggage we cleared arrivals, met our...
View ReportEverything went fine at Gatwick, all of the 11 strong group arrived on time and the Monarch flight went smoothly. Six hours later we arrived in the Gambia, in bright sunshine, the temperature was around 30C and as we descended ov...
View ReportOur flight was on time arriving late-afternoon at Banjul in hazy sunshine, first impressions as we came in to land were of a lush green, very flat landscape with lots of open spaces and water. The mighty river looked huge especial...
View ReportThis was our first post-Covid visit to this wonderful birding country and it hasn't changed a bit! The birding is still wonderful and varied and the wether is still blistering hot and humid! Massive road-improvements are being ...
View ReportWhat can I say that has not already been said about this wonderful place? We had a fantastic time, the weather was great and scenery is to die for! Sightings of Birds, Butterflies, Flowers and lots of other wildlife filled our days ...
View ReportWe didn't let a couple of days of rain ruin this fantastic tour, we still enjoyed one of the most scenic tours you can find in Europe. The bird life, on and around, Lake Kerkini is prolific and a wonder to behold.
View ReportThe was the quintessential ideal birding trip, the weather was superb throughout, the birds performed magnificently, and we had had a wonderful bunch of people for company. There are so many highlights I could not fit them all here in on...
View ReportWhat a difference a year makes. Last year we saw about 1 million Nettle Tree Butterflies and we had a huge influx of Rose-coloured Starlings. This year we saw one individual Nettle Tree Butterfly and no Rose-coloured Starlings. Our...
View ReportIt had been a truly lovely experience, a trip that vastly exceeded all of our expectations, I have fallen in love with this area. There can’t many places left in Europe where vast areas are devoid of human activity, the tranquillit...
View ReportGroup 2 of the Wokingham and Bracknell RSPB Member's Group turned out in focre for this second week. Thriteen of the group enjoyed a superb week with better weather and several more species than last week's group. We also had Dan...
View ReportThis trip was run in conjunction with Wokingham and Bracknell RSPB Member's Group, 7 members participated and formed Group 1 of a two week period. We had a great time, the group were keen to see practically everything and that is exa...
View ReportWhat a great trip we had this year, so many exciting species to see and the wild flowers were stunning. We saw all the Lesvos specialities and several uncommon visitors including a 'first record' for Lesvos, the J...
View ReportWINGSPAN'S first return to Lesvos since 2019 because of the COVID pandemic was fantastic, all those happy memories came flooding back and the weather and the birding was just as fabulous. The airport was new, they have moved the enti...
View ReportThis, the inaugural trip to Guyana for WINGSPAN BIRD TOURS, was put together by my good friend Penny Hale with a little input from myself. Penny had travelled to Guyana over 18 years ago and it came highly recommended to me from various ...
View ReportThe best trip I have ever been on,Gill.A truly amazing experience that I will never forget,David.Outstanding natural beauty and some magical wildlife encounters,Les.Read on for an account of a trip of a lifetime in a true wilderness...
View ReportWINGSPAN'S 2nd of this wonderful birding country was as good as last year's inaugural trip. Woodpeckers, Warblers and many excellent species are included in this exciting report..........
View ReportThis was the inaugural tour of Hungary for WINGSPAN BIRD TOURS with 12 members of the Cheltenham Bird Club, new territory, new landscapes and new birds. Hungary is a lovely country, the cleanest and tidiest I have ever seen, not the most...
View ReportThis tour was another classic ‘Lesvos’ spring trip, plenty of water, plenty of sightings in stunning scenery and lovely sunshine. Flowers and butterflies enhanced our enjoyment of this beautiful place. Birding highlights incl...
View ReportIt had been a very exceptionally cold and wet spring in Europe, this greatly affected the bird migration pattern. Most species were very late, some had not arrived at all! However, due to the wet conditions in March and April the flowers...
View ReportLesvos is a brilliant birding destination! This is my 17th consecutive year here and I love it all, the weather, the scenery, the people and the wildlife. We hardly travelled any distance today and yet we saw nearly 100 species including...
View ReportWINGSPAN'S 16th consecutive Year to this Aegean Island Gem almost never took off! Bad press about masses of human migrants caused hundreds of birders to keep away. Luckily enough a few did 'brave' the trip an...
View ReportAnother great year on this Aegean Island paradise. IT WAS THE FIFTEENTH CONSECUTIVE YEAR FOR WINGSPAN BIRD TOURS ON LESVOS. The weather was just gorgeous, the flowers, butterflies and birds were in colourful abundance making it a wo...
View ReportIn that one hour, we found 40 species which is a true testament to how good Lesvos really is at this time of the year, results like that renew my passion for birding and rekindles a burning desire to want to return next year,&n...
View ReportWhat a fantastic week, wall to wall sunshine, a brilliant display of wild flowers, some superb birding and a great group of participants. This all made for a great holiday and a very enjoyable time for me too! The weather was a&nb...
View ReportOur group of 8 enjoyed a wonderful week in sunny Lesvos, in fact it was a little too sunny at times, the temperature rose to nearly 30 C on a couple of days which made the birding very tiring! But we had a great time, leisure...
View ReportI met Andy and Dave at Gatwick at 6am and we travelled to Athens with Easyjet arriving at 2:40pm. We met up with Mike and Pat at the Aegean check-in desk where we took the 5:20pm flight to Mytiline. We collected our hire bu...
View ReportA depleted group (5 instead of 8) enjoyed a wonderful week in sunny Lesvos, in fact it was a little too sunny at times, the temperature rose above 30 C on several days which made the birding very tiring! But we had a g...
View ReportI have led tours over the last 10 years to this fabulous birding location and this was one of the best groups I have ever led. We had such great fun, with some hilarious moments along the way and we recorded the highest cou...
View ReportThe group of eight from Oxford RSPB Members Group became ‘ wing-spanners’ for seven days as they arrived in bright sunshine on the beautiful island of Lesvos to join me, Bob Buckler of Wingspan Bird Tours for a ...
View ReportA good deal of rain had fallen during early spring and wild flowers covered every square meter of the uncultivated land. Seasonal pools were full but despite the promise of a great birding trip it did not fully materialize as we h...
View ReportThe group arrived safe and well at Mytilini airport mid-afternoon after a short delay and soon we were on the road winding our way through the busy Mytilini town centre. One of our first birds was Red-rumped Swallow seen fr...
View ReportOur group of eight ‘ wing-spanners’ had a fantastic week exploring this superb bird-watching venue, over 170 species were recorded which included the Lesvos specialities such as: Kruper’s Nuthatch, Western Rock N...
View ReportIt was another very successful WINGSPAN TOUR of this beautiful part of Africa and resulted in an impressive list of nearly 200 species. The trip was made so much more pleasurable because the group were so fantastic, they gelled really we...
View ReportA cold start to this tour saw the group wrapped up warm for the first few days. The cold weather system for this year had delayed spring migration and consequently we saw very few migrant species and no visible raptor migration. However,...
View Report8 intrepid ‘wing-spanners’ enjoyed 11 days of superb birding in this wonderful bird-watching destination. We listed over 190 species including most of the ‘Moroccan Specialities’ such as: Bald Ibis, African Crimso...
View ReportThe beauty of this North African country never ceases to amaze me, the landscape varies every few miles and ranges from the snow capped Atlas Mountains to the flat stoney 'reggs' of the hinterland. Couple that with lush green val...
View ReportThis 10-day tour was run in co-ordination with BirdID a Norwegian internet-based bird indentification teaching course. We recorded 186 species which included 2 species only heard and not seen, migration was a little disappointing wi...
View ReportA superb tour was enhanced by a great bunch of people making my job as tour leader a pleasure and a very enjoyable experience. The weather in general was pretty good although the low cloud base in the Atlas Mountains restricted our sight...
View ReportEverything went smoothly at the airport, our group of 9 all arrived on time and the flight was also on schedule. We arrived at Marrakech at 11am in a blaze of sunshine and summer warmth, our first sighting was a House Bunti...
View ReportOur arrival at Marrakech was greeted by bright sunlight, the snow covered Atlas Mountains looked clear and beautiful in the distance and it was quite warm. The group arrived in stages throughout the day and those that arriv...
View ReportThe group assembled at Menara Airport at 8pm and after visiting the bureau de change we met our driver Ahmed who guided us to our bus, we then set off for our hotel in the Ourika Valley. It was dark so no birds were recorded on t...
View ReportThe group assembled at Menara Airport at 11:30am, some had travelled the day before and spent the night in Marrakech whilst the rest of us arrived from Madrid with Easyjet at 11am. We met our driver Ahmed who guided us to o...
View ReportDespite a very wet winter the amount of ground water was very low and the snow on the mountains was surprising lacking which was a contrast to the last couple of years at this time. This year’s rains had been followed...
View ReportThe Moroccan winter rains had fallen in earnest and the snow was piled high on the Atlas Mountains producing a wonderful contrasting vista between the verdant plains and river valleys set against the white-topped mountains. A wonderful b...
View ReportDuring early April and over a period of 10 days our group of seven wing-spanners toured the wonderful countryside of Morocco, visiting the high Atlas Mountains, the stony plains of the ‘Hammada’, the southeast r...
View ReportOur group of seven ‘Wing-spanners’ toured the wonderful countryside of Morocco in early March, visiting the high Atlas Mountains, the stony plains of the ‘Hammada’, the southeast region of Tafilalt, (the ar...
View ReportThis was a whirlwind tour with my good friend Richard Headford to recce the country in order to add this superb birding venue to the growing list of destinations for Wingspan Bird Tours. The trip was essentially taken in or...
View ReportWhat a cracking start to our 7 - day tour of Southern Spain and Northern Morocco we had lovely sunshine and everyone arrived on time. I collected Sandra, Chris and Andy from Malaga Airport at 11am and we drove directly to t...
View ReportDespite the extremely dry condtions and the lack of snow on the High Atlas Mountains we still managed to see 90% of the 'most-wanted' species that this tour has to offer. We had a couple of windy days in the Sahara Desert which l...
View ReportThe weather helped the enjoyment of this tour tremdously, we had wall to wall sunshine throughout with nice temperatures. The light was perfect and our sightings terrific. We saw almost all of our target species and had great views of mo...
View ReportMorocco remains one the best North African destinations, it offers a huge range of habitats and stunning landscapes ranging from coastal sand dunes to snow-capped mountains and everything in between. We visited all of these habitats and&...
View ReportThis inaugural WINGSPAN TOUR of North Eastern Poland was run in conjunction with Wild Poland and Cheltenham Bird Club. Ten participants enjoyed a fabulous 9-day tour of two very contrasting habitats. We toured the vast marshes of the Bie...
View ReportAnother WINGSPAN Tour of this fabulous Iberian country was a tremendous success despite very windy weather for 3 days and some wet conditions. We saw most of 'Plains' species very well and the contrasting coastal wetlands produce...
View ReportA late spring tour to seek out the breeding birds of Andalucia which is exactly what we did. We saw 5 species of Swifts, 13 different warblers and a host of colourful sightings including Golden Oriole, Common Kingfisher, European Bee-eat...
View ReportAlthough we endured very windy conditions on several days we still managed to see over 160 species during this early April Tour. Raptor migration passage was non-existent but many passerines were found..............
View ReportWhat a great start to our 7-day migration tour, WHITE-WINGED TERN & BLACK TERN on the list!
View ReportAnother early spring tour based in Gaucin, Andalucia was full of surprises, not excluding the weather, it turned out to be the coldest April recorded in Spain for quite a few years. Nevertheless my group of hardy WINGSPANNERS braved the ...
View ReportA superb week of birding in Southern Spain with glorious weather and some excellent sightings, the tour was based in Gaucin, Andalucia, a 'white' vilage in the beautiful Serrania de Ronda mountains. We visited rivers, lakes, cork...
View ReportThis short birding break produced some of the best and rarest birds that Andalucia has to offer. How about this for a list: white headed duck, marbled duck, ferruginous duck, red-knobbed coot, white rumped swift, rufous bus...
View ReportIt feels great to be back on my own patch again after spending 17 days in Bulgaria. The sun was shining, there was a lovely breeze and I got to see some great birdies. I collected Neil from a Hotel near Malaga and then we drove i...
View ReportVern and Trish are staying for a few extra days to see local birds so I dropped them off at the Rio Genal before carrying on to the Airport at Malaga. It was dry, a little cloudy and a cool wind had come in, but the sun shone. I drove t...
View ReportThis was a short break which fitted in nicely with my spring programme between tours. I led Tarje from Finland for 4 days, we covered the mountainous region of the Serrania de Ronda and coastal areas near Soto Grande. Raptor migrati...
View ReportIt was a beautiful sunny day, top temperature 25C, very light SW wind. We had a marvelous start to our 7 day tour in Southern Spain. I collected the group of 6 at Malaga Airport at lunchtime and before we knew it we were birding ...
View ReportI collected Susan and Steve from Malaga Airport around 11am and we went straight to the Nature Reserve at the river Guadalhorce, we spent 3 excellent hours having a great birding session in the bright Spanish Sunshine. Sue and St...
View ReportOur first day involved getting the group assembled; Steve and Roz arrived at midday whilst Chris, Colin and Shirley were not due until late evening. Jane, Jack & Marg were only joining us for part of the tour later in the week and Ge...
View ReportWe met in Ronda at the Hotel San Gabriel on a bright Sunday morning, a hazy sky produced a weakened sun with very little breeze which made for very good birding weather. The Serrania de Ronda is an area of mountainous beaut...
View ReportWe had an excellent relaxed week of birding, eating and drinking, savouring the ambiance of a typical pueblo blanco! The weather conditions were mixed, the first day was very windy with light showers, Sunday was sunny and Monday was dull...
View ReportAnother hugely successful tour of these two premiere venues in the heart of Spain. A little windy for two or three days but that never stopped us enjoying our fantastic sightings........
View ReportAnother fabulous tour of these two magical places. A lot depends on the weather conditions which were not too favourable to begin with. However, we still managed a credible total species list..........
View ReportThis dual destination trip to two of Spain's best birding areas always proves a winner with my groups. The variety of scenic landscapes, wildlife habitats and birding locations guarantees a huge list in European standards a...
View ReportI was priveliged to lead the Knutsford Ornithological Soceity (KOS) in their 40th celebration tour. Twelve members, lead by Sheila Blamire, enjoyed a terrific week of good weather and excellent birding. We experienced many mag...
View ReportAfter a terrific week of birding we managed a species total of 172 with another 7 species heard but not seen, this is a fantastic total for a European country covered in just 7 days....................
View ReportWe spent 8 superb days in some of the best habitat that Spain has to offer, the weather was glorious throughout except for one day of windy conditions near the end of the trip. Birding highlights included: Spanish Imperial Eagle, G...
View ReportWe spent 9 superb days in some of the best habitat that Spain has to offer, the weather was glorious throughout except for one day of rain and some cloud near the end of the trip. Birding highlights included: a Lesser Spotted Woodpecker,...
View ReportThis 9-day tour covered a wide variety of habitats and included two of the best Bird-watching regions of Spain, it is not surprising then that we recorded over 170 species with some rare and unusual birds on the list. We saw 26 species o...
View ReportA good week of late summer weather with clear blue skies on most days and temperatures in the lower 20’s, we had one afternoon of wind and rain, followed by high stormy-winds overnight and as we drove north into Extremadura...
View ReportWe had an excellent week of birding spoilt only by bouts of inclement weather, a couple of days were very windy with light showers and our visit to Monfrague Park in Extremadura was foreshortened by heavy rain. The temperature was kept i...
View ReportWe visited the laguna and birded from an observation point within the town of El Rocio in good light and hazy sunshine. There were many birds there including a distant flock of Greater Flamingos, Glossy Ibis, Little and Cat...
View ReportThe group arrived on time and we quickly loaded up the buses and set off on the two hour journey to El Rocio in the Coto Donana. We dropped our belongings into our rooms at the Hotel Toruno and ate dinner at 10pm amidst growling ...
View ReportWe left Madrid airport and headed Southwest for Trujillo just after midday. Our first birds were Common Swifts hawking the terminal buildings quickly followed by Spotless Starling and Collared Dove. We stopped for refre...
View ReportAfter a long delay we eventually left Madrid airport and headed Southwest for Trujillo. Our first birds were Common and Pallid Swifts hawking the terminal buildings quickly followed by Spotless Starling and Collared Dove. As we approache...
View ReportThis was another great trip to the two best birding areas of Spain, the contrasting habitats of the two areas we visited gave us the opportunity to seek out a great diversity of species. The weather, although quite cold at times was gene...
View ReportSpain did not escape the very cold, wet weather that the rest of Europe had suffered this spring, heavy snow still covered the mountains and a biting cold wind dominated our trip with two or three days of overcast skies and rain. The wea...
View Reportleft Gaucin at 6am to collect Kenneth & Katherine from the centre of Granada; they are from Toronto and will be joining us for a week. We then drove to Malaga Airport to meet Ken & Margaret arriving from the UK, the...
View ReportOur first day involved getting the group assembled; Conor & Ann were collected from Malaga Airport at 11:30am and then Peter, Alison & Gordon were collected from Gibraltar Airport at 2:30pm it was the shortest visit to Gib...
View ReportThe group arrived on time and brought the Gloucestershire weather with them – it was windy, cold, overcast and rainy! After quickly loading into the bus we drove the short distance to the Nature Reserve in the salt marsh of the riv...
View ReportThe sky was a clear azure blue and the light was very good as we emerged from the hotel at 8 am. We took breakfast at a café/bar just around the corner, coffee and large rounds of toast were consumed with great enthusiasm. ...
View ReportThis was the second week of two back-to-back trips to the same area. The weather was superb throughout, perhaps a little too hot at times especially down on the plains of Extremadura. We had a wonderful time and saw all the specialties o...
View ReportWhat a great start to our 7 day tour of Extremadura, the weather was superb, bright and sunny, with nice temperatures of around 25C. The group assembled at Madrid airport, Ken, Lilian came with me from Andalucia, I c...
View ReportA tremendous tour was enhanced by superb weather, picturesque scenery, some fantastic bird sightings and a lovely group of people. Birding highlights included: Over 100 vultures, of 3 species, in the sky at once over Monfra...
View ReportOverall the spectacle of thousands of migration raptors did not materialise which was a little disappointing, this was due to the weather patterns at the peak migration times. The light westerly winds were always favourable for the cross...
View ReportWhen you think a trip cannot get much better, it does. This Wingspan Tour was our tenth year in a row and proved every bit as good as all the previous tours. The scenery of the Pyrenees, in my opinion, cannot be beaten in Western Europe....
View ReportOur total list of 135 was somewhat lower than the average of 150 because of the bad weather and unseasonal cold spells. We also missed about 10 species because we couldn’t visit the coastal sites as usual because a major link road ...
View ReportIt was another very successful Tour of these three unique and contrasting areas, the scenery was stunning, the birds were amazing and the group was fantastic, we all gelled well and everyone enjoyed the trip. If anything, the weather was...
View ReportStunning scenery, fantastic wildlife, a great group........what more could you possibly want? Oh, good weather.....well, not quite!
View ReportThe Pyrenees Mountains behold some of the most beautiful scenery in the whole of Spain, whilst the Picos de Europa adds its own blend of unique and fascinating landscapes. The wildlife found in these areas is both prolific and diverse, t...
View ReportAnother successful trip to two of the most beautiful parts of Spain, we recorded many special species not found anywhere else in Spain including: Lammergeier, Wallcreeper, Alpine Accentor, Snowfinch, Citril Finch, Ring Ouzel, Black Woodp...
View ReportAfter last night's rain we awoke to a lovely clear blue sky. With bags packed we were ready to move at 7:30am, and so our tour began. Birds seen as we passed through the suburbs of Madrid included: Common & Pallid S...
View ReportA great tour with a great ‘team’ of birders, everyone contributed and everyone found something for the list. This was the first attempt by WINGSPAN to combine these 3 contrasting and unique habitats, it really w...
View ReportENCINAS BORRACHAS TRACK Today I met up with Paul and Claire who have also purchased a house in Gaucin and have been regular companions on my day tours and birding holidays over the last few years. We met early because we expected the ...
View ReportGAUCIN TO RONDA THEN ON TO THE LAGUNAS DE CAMPILLOS AND THEN THE CASTILLO DE TEBA WEATHER; wall to all sunshine, nice cool breeze, top temp 30C Dawn and I met up with John, Mary, Henry and Sue on the edge of the vil...
View ReportAfter 4 years of drought Spain wasn't looking like a good prospect for a spring birding tour. Then in February and March this year the heavans opened and everywhere had a deluge of rain. This made it excellent for wildlife...
View ReportWe had a fabulous early spring Tour of two of the top destinations in Spain. Producing a bird list approaching 190 species we saw all of the 'most-wanted' species associated with these two superb birding areas. Spanish ...
View ReportBustards, Sandgrouse, Eagles and Orchids is what we hoped to see and that is exactly what we got. Maybe not all of our target species but a pewrcenatge of them. It was windy for a couple of days which restricted our viewing somewhat but ...
View ReportThis was a private Tour booked by 5 American birders who wanted an extension into Spain after joining me in Morocco for 10 days during March. This mini-break went so well, we saw so many great species of birds and Orchids, that I have in...
View ReportWhat a great trip this turned out to be! The weather was just perfect, the flowers and butterflies were magnificent which enhanced our birding excursions no end. All aspects exceeded our expectations and the scenery was out of this world...
View ReportOur first morning went like a dream except for the delayed arrival of one flight. Four of us had arrived last night and met up for breakfast and then at 11am we drove to the airport to collect the other four participants, they arrived 25...
View ReportA superb trip which everyone thoroughly enjoyed, it was a little warm at times but we coped by having frequent breaks and cold drinks. Finca Santa Marta was as charming as ever and the birding throughout the trip was excellent. Highlight...
View ReportIt was a very windy but enjoyable short break, we saw many more species of birds than we did of butterflies! A great timr nevertheless.
View ReportMARCHENILLA TRACK AND RIO HOZGARGANTE Today, Dawn and I met up with Mary, a birder from New Mexico and John, also an American, but who lives in Gaucin and is a good friend of ours. Mary is visiting John for a few days and insisted on ...
View ReportRIO GUADIARO AT ESTACION DE CORTES Dawn and I were joined by John McClure, our American friend and budding birder also from Gaucin, for an afternoon of birding by the river. We just sat under our favourite tree and whiled away t...
View ReportWEATHER: broken sunshine all day, top temp 22C Back in Spain, it was great to get out on my old patch again. I met Jane on the edge of our village, Gaucin, at 7am. It was a little chilly, with a few clouds and a little windy. We dr...
View ReportGreat weather, beautiful scenery, great birding and lots of butterflies..........a most enjoyable week
View ReportA delightful spring break with variable weather conditions and an excellent species count of 163. We made sightings of a number of special European species which included: Little Swift, Marbled Duck, Rufous Bush Robin, Common Rock Thrush...
View ReportWe added an extra day to this trip which enhanced our sighting by giving us a full day in the Malaga region before we drove down to Tarifa. The migration in general was slow as the weather conditions allowed easy passage for the migratin...
View ReportANOTHER GREAT MIGRATION TOUR finished where it started, back in Malaga. We had seen 168 species and heard a couple more, Common Nightingale and Wren. I had a fantastic group, full of ethusiasm and very keen to seek out a tremendous varie...
View ReportThis was our second consecutive Autumn Migration Tour FOR 2018, it fell just short of the mark with regards to large raptor movements, we did see a few thousand birds but not en-masse as in the first week. Passerine migration was also po...
View ReportWe had a smashing week of sunshine and birding, it was a little too hot at times but we really enjoyed the rapot migration and the birds of La Janda.Overall the raptor passage was sporadic and not as good as recent years, there were one ...
View ReportUnseasonably hot weather slowed us down a little and likewise the number of migrants passing through. However we had a few days where thousands of raptors filled the sky it was amazing at times. La Janda provided a refuge for many, many ...
View ReportThis was an exciting birding week right in rhe middle of peak migration, thousands of raptors came over us on a daily basis. The marshes and lagunas mear the coast were full of storks, ibis, herons, egrets and waders. The weather was hot...
View ReportMigration watching at Tarifa is extremely weather dependent, this year it was an unusually hot summer with little in the way of strong autumnal winds and subsequently migrant raptors passed over very early and very high up. Apa...
View ReportSAN ENRIQUE WOODS – ALGARROBO WATCH-POINT – CAZALLA WATCH POINT – LA JANDA Weather: bright, sunny, hot, light easterly wind top temp 34C.
View ReportIt was aother excellent trip to the most scenic areas of Spain. we saw nearly all of our target species but...........the weather conditions were very harsh! We had extreme heat for the first 6 days and then a very cold and win...
View ReportA superb tour of these two, very contrasting habitats. The variety of species is arguably second to none in the whole of Europe. However, drought condtions in Coto Donana severly reduced our sightings list and birding enjoyment, Global w...
View ReportIt was another successful tour of this magical and bird-rich island, we saw all of the 34 endemic species of birds in our total of 248 species. We also saw over 50 species of butterflies, 21 mammals and a dozen or so reptiles. This beaut...
View ReportWe had a great time touring this wonderful, scenic country. Our bird-watching experience exceeded our wildest expectations, the food, the people and our accommodation were all first class. A truly wonderful adventure, we saw nearly 250 s...
View ReportWhat a fabulous place to go birding! A beautiful verdant country with terrific scenery an abundance of wildlife and very friendly people. This, our second tour produced 240 species of birds, around 40 butterflies and 26 mamma...
View ReportThe WINGSPAN inaugural tour of Sri Lanka was a complete success in terms of finding excellent local guides, good accommodation, the best routes and of course the best places to see the huge variety of wildlife. It was a fantastic re...
View ReportAnother successful Tour of this beautiful island country, we had fabulous weather, some really exciting sightings and plenty of adventures with a couple of mishaps along the way. Read on for Bob's misadventure in Sri Lanka!
View ReportIt had a been a very good week not a great week! We had mixed fortunes with both birding and the weather and I guess they are both inextricably connected. Just as we did last year we picked up one or two goodies each day, we saw Jack Sni...
View ReportA wonderful selection of wildlife was on show in Cornwall during our seven--day Tour. We never saw all of the rarities on offer we tried our best to see most of them. Pleasant weather prevailed for most of the time, we had sunshine, fog,...
View ReportThere was an unbelievable autumn migration throughout the UK because of the very unique weather conditions. An unprecedented number of Nearctic Birds arrived on the west coast of the UK including the Isles of Scilly. American Warble...
View ReportFor me it was great to return to the Isles of Scilly after a 16-year break, they haven’t changed, they still retain their unique charm, beauty and tranquillity. The birding isn’t as good as the heady days of the past, but the...
View ReportA long-weekend tour of this magnificent coastline included visits to Lindisfarne (Holy Island), Inner Farne, Staple Island and Coquet Island a little further south. It was fantastic, a birder's heaven and one of the best birding expe...
View ReportWe had a wet and windy week in Weymouth, rain and high winds spoilt some of our days, but we went home happy with many excellent sightings and some memorable experiences. We saw one or two rare species and a few uncommon migrants as well...
View ReportThe combined trip of the Somerset Levels and Southern Dorset worked very well, we logged 140 species noting all five species of Grebes and all three Divers. Great, Little and Cattle Egrets are now easy sightings in Somserset with Spoonbi...
View ReportWe had superb weather, in fact it was too nice at times! The group was lovely we had plenty of laughs but the migration was more or less non-exisitent. We hardly saw a common migrant let alone a rare one. Despite this we saw over 120 spe...
View ReportThis was far from the best migration year, we had a diificult time finding common migrant birds let alone rare or uncommon species. The weather wasn't too bad except for a very stormy afternoon and evening in midweek. We mananged to ...
View ReportAnother successful Tour of these magical islands. Common migrants were thin on the ground but we saw many uncommon and rare birds. The weather dipped somewhat during the week and we left the islands a day early because of an horren...
View ReportIt was another classic ‘Isles of Scilly in October’ Tour with plenty of exciting rare birds to look for, a variety of weather conditions to cope with and the ever-present outstanding beauty and tranquillity of this special pl...
View ReportThis combined trip of the Somerset Levels and Southern Dorset worked very well, we logged 140 species noting all five species of Grebes and all three Divers expected in the UK. Great, Little and Cattle Egrets are now easy sightings ...
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