RIO GENAL - RIO GUADIARO - SAN ENRIQUE WOODS - MARCHENILLA TRACK A great day out in beautiful sunshine, the countryside is ablaze with colourful wild flowers and bird-life is thriving on the insect explosion........
You couldn't ask for better condtions, dry, sunny, warm and just a cooling breeze. We ate breakfast at 7:30am and by 8:30am we were down by the river. The explosive song of the Cetti's Warbler was first to be noted quickly followed by the equally loud but more melodic Common Nightingale. My three guests are novice birders and every bird sighting is a revelation to them, they were blown away by having 'scope views of Turtle Doves, Woodchat Shrike, Serin, Common Nightingale, Cirl Bunting and a group of five Honey Buzzards.
Cirl Bunting
Further aling the valley the Rio Genal meets the Guadiaro we stopped for an hour or two enjoying the profusion of wild flowers, the chirus of bird song and the wonderful scenery brought alive by the exquisite morning light. Little Ringed Plovers dashed about on the shingle banks, Pied and Grey Wagtails chased insects amongst the rocks, Bee-eaters excavated nesting holes whilst Olivaceous, Cetti's and Sardinian Warblers sang from the scrub. A Grey Heron flew upstream whilst Booted Eagles and Griffon Vultures curcled on the thermals and flocks of both Common and Pallid Swifts screamed about us. We drove down river to Secadero noting Spotted Flycatcher andcRaven aling the way.
The view of Sierra Crestellina from the Rio Genal Valley
San Enrique woods came up the goods, (hey that rhymes), WRYNECK showed briefly, Short-toed Treecreeper much better and Great Spotted Woodpecker even better. We searched for Kingfisher on the river but we only found Pond Terrapins and more Little Ringed Plovers.
Little Ringed Plover
To finish the afternoon we moved on to the Marchenilla Track, along the way we stopped to admire a pair of Little Owls. The track visit was fantastic, superb late-afternoon light really brought out the vibrant colours of the wayside. We spent a couple of hours in one place on the track because there was so much to look at. Sardinian Warbler, Melodious Warbler, Corn Bunting, Stonechat, Bee-eaters, Tawny Pipit and Common Nightingale all sat out for us.
Woodchat Shrike
But by far the best sighting was of the exciting RUFOUS BUSH ROBIN, what a stunner and crowd pleaser! This bird sat very close to us and sang its little heard out, beautiful. We also enjoyed Common Nightingale, Zitting Cisticola and lots more Bee-eaters. What a great finish to a superb birding day out.
Two great pictures of the Rufous Bush Robin
After relaxing for a while we enjoyed a lovely dinner cooked by delicious Dawn!