A late afternoon visit to the local river proved to be a good decision as there was a lovely breeze and shelter under our favourite tree, the bird life was good too............................
We arrived at 4pm and set up our picnic chairs and cool box under our favourite tree on the river bank. As soon as we got there a couple of Little Ringed Plovers flew off and a Green Sandpiper flew across the river, this is the first sighting of a returning migrant bird I have had this year.
Other goodies turned up throughout our stay, Common Kingfisher, Pallid Swifts, Red-rumped Swallows, both Grey & White Wagtails, Serin, Cirl Bunting, Linnets, Goldfinches, a Cetti's Warbler showed really well and a few Bee-eaters came down to splash in the water.
Our friend John joined us and enjoyed a few hours Birding with us.
What is surprising this year is the lack of Turtle Doves and Rock Sparrows, neither have come down to drink this year, yet!
We left at 8:15pm when the temperature was still 28C.