Two Transfer days with nothing much to report during the journeys except two contrasting days of weather..........................
We drove from Penobscot to Augusta in Maine in lovely autumn sunshine, then as we drove south towards Portland it clouded over and began to rain in short bursts. It gradually got better as we passed Maine and headed for Albany in Vermont. We spent 3 hours more in the car driving through some lovely countryside where many of the trees were displaying their wonderful autumnal colours.
eventually, after 5 hours, we arrived at our overnight stop in North Chatham.
Our BnB was a beautiful place with lovely gardens and with a fantastic view. The sun was shining again and we had a lovely hour in the garden watching a few birdies and lots of squirrels.
For dinner we drove a short way to South Chatham where we ate a delicious meal in a superb local restaurant. Tomorrow we continue our journey to Allentown, Pennsylvania where we will be staying with our good friends Mary and John.
Song Sparrow - reminds me of my 'favourite' European bird - the Corn Bunting
Two pictures below of American Goldfinch
We awoke to a surprising change in the weather, it was windy, dull and raining, that curtailed my planned walk around the garden. Susan, our host, cooked us a lovely breakfast before we set off driving south, deep into New York State. It was a very scenic route, the leaf colours were terrific much better than in Maine. However our enjoyment was short lived as the weather deteriorated and visibility reduced dramatically. We spent two hours driving through bouts of torrential rain until we finally got through it.
The sun came out and for the last hour it was very pleasant as we entered Pennsylvania and onto Allentown. We are to spend a week with John and Mary our good friends from Gaucin in Spain, they were most welcoming when we arrived at their house, we soon felt at home and quickly settled in. Another friend from Gaucin was also staying with them, Fred, who happens to be a keen bird-watcher (as is John). Fred arranged his visit to overlap with ours.
After an hour or so, we, the three men, went down to a local park for a spot of birding, but we only stayed there for 30 minutes because the heavens opened up. During our short visit we listed Tufted Titmouse, Blue Jay, White-breasted Nuthatch and a couple of Blackpoll Warblers.