ITS GREAT TO BE BACK IN SUNNY SPAIN AFTER A 4 MONTH BREAK. Clear blue sky, 20C and fantastic light. We sat lazily on our top terrace this afternoon, reading, drinking tea and watching vultures circle over the village. The drive from the airport yesterday produced sightings of Short-toed Eagle, Griffon Vultures and a few Crag Martins.
A walk up to the 'Castilla de Aguila' this morning produced sightings of Black Redstart, at least 20 Blackcaps, Sardinian Warbler, Serin and lots of common garden birds.
This afternoon we took a break from our household and gardening chores and sat on our top terrace for an hour or so, a group of 8 Griffon Vultures entertained for a while. We also saw Black Redstart, Raven and not much else.