
Welcome to the Wingspan Bird Tours Blog. All news, bird sightings and tour updates will be recorded here for your information as-well as details of our day trips, tours and accommodation. An archive of older blogs can still be found by clicking here:

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Day 1 of this 10-day trip found us in the capital of Oman, Muscat. A very busy, vibrant city on the northern coastline with some surprisingly good birding locations hidden in the urban sprawl.

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It rained a lot during our last full day in Singapore, it was raining early in the morning then it stopped when we got up and came down with a vengeance later in the afternoon. It spoilt our plans a little, but we enjoyed a lovely walk around the Bay, we took a boat trip up the river and toured the huge shopping complex found beneath the Casino/Hotel (the one with a ship on its roof!) We also visited the Science/Arts centre to see a photographic exhibition.

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It was a fabulous day today, lovely weather, great birds and some exciting finds. I left the village at 8am together with Mike and Lindsay, we headed for the coast making one stop to collect my other two passengers Peter and Penny. Whilst waiting for P & P we scanned the nearby mountainside and found a pair of Red-billed Chough and several Griffon Vultures.

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